On 20 May 2020 ,  the European Commission adopted a new biodiversity strategy to 2030. It sets ambitious targets to protect more nature, to restore ecosystems and to step up governance, monitoring and global efforts. 

The urban dimension is now well recognised in the new biodiversity policy. 

As part of a wider nature restoration plan, more focus will go to cities. To bring nature back to cities and reward community action, the Commission  will motivate cities to develop urban greening plans . These should include measures to create biodiverse and accessible urban forests, parks and gardens; urban farms; green roofs and walls; tree-lined streets; urban meadows; and urban hedges. They should also help improve connections between green spaces.

To facilitate this work, the Commission will in 2021 set up an EU Urban Greening Platform, under a new ‘Green City Accord’  with cities and mayors. This will be done in close coordination with the European Covenant of Mayors. 

BiodiverCities can contribute to this urban biodiversity agenda with show cases of how cities and their citizens engage can work together on a greener future.