Transform local and traditional recipes into a range of health, wellness and gourmet products; example of Abies Lagrimus

The main objective of the brand Abies Lagrimus is the rehabilitation of some Pyrenean traditional recipes through ranges of innovative products. These products come from natural resources, growing in the mountainous Pyrenean area. In this sector, cultural traditions are still very present. In order to guarantee the sustainability of the resources, the harvesting conditions are controlled and its recovery is respectful of the territory’s specificities (regional Natural Park).

Pooling and joinin together in order to develop economically and preserve the local know-how

Chesnuts harvest by a "Castane" economic group associate

The objective of this economic experience is to bring value to all the local chestnuts production in order to keep the maximum added value of the products at the producer/processor level, preserving local transformation know-how in order to ensure high quality products.

To do it, the idea of this experience is that producers pool the transformation process and join together in order to enter more important markets.