Regulation of mycological harvesting in Castilla y León MICOCYL

Identification signs in areas of regulated use

The main objective is the implementation of a management system for the regulation of the mycological harvesting at a regional level, in order to generate, through the mycological resource, a way of rural and local development, by promoting mycological tourism and to encourage an ordered, sustainable and compatible activity with the rest of the uses and forest harvesting.

This management system is based on the sale of picking permits of different modalities and durations, with prices that vary according to classes of permits, between 3 and 300 Euros. It also adapts to current...

Soil fertility status of stone pine (Pinus pinea) stands in Portugal

Fertilizer aplication in a stone pine stand experimental trial

Rational fertilization can improve tree health, growth and potentially benefit pine cone and pine nut production. The reduction of forest exploitation costs without neglecting environmental factors and promoting biodiversity is an important management achievement in the context of climate change.

To establish fertilizer recommendations in stone pine for cone production, it is crucial to evaluate soil fertility, tree nutritional status and, if irrigated, the quality of the irrigation water. Here we present part of the results of the operational group FERTIPINEA, focused on the...

What are the main variables influencing cork thickness?

Permanent plot installed in a 20 year's old cork oak plantation (Évora, Portugal)
  1. Evaluate the influence of tree size, stand characteristics, debarking coefficients and climatic variables on cork thickness and its evolution between consecutive cork extraction operations, i.e. between successive cork growth periods (cgp). Cork growth is assessed using the cgi, defined as the radial width of the first eight complete years of cork growth after stripping.
  2. Assess the impact of the increase in debarking intensity on cork growth. Debarking intensity is quantified by the cork debarking coefficient – the ratio of the vertical debarking height to the perimeter at
  3. ...

The influence of silvicultural practices on resin production: stand density, tree diameter, and use of controlled fire

Resin tapped stand

Some aspects contribute to the increase of resin tapping costs and, hence, to the reduction of resin yield, namely: the limitation on the diameter of the trees to be tapped imposed by the Portuguese legislation; low stand densities; the necessary control of understory vegetation. Hence, it is essential to evaluate if and how some pine forest management parameters affect the total production of pine resin so it can be increased through silvicultural practices and, thus, compensate for the rise in some costs associated with the resin activity.

Thickness assessment and weight modeling of cork in Tunisia: case study of Ain Snoussi forest

Cork stoppers

Estimate reproduction cork thickness as a criterion to examine the commercial value and to fit a non-linear model for predicting cork weight to guide the forest decision makers toward a reasonable harvest.

The objective is to guide forest decision-makers towards a reasonable cork harvest by:

• examining the thickness of cork as a criterion for estimating commercial value

• evaluating the intensity of the debarking operation on the tree

• establishing a non-linear model for predicting cork weight.

BIJOU project : Burgundy truffle, a quality product with high added value

Burgundy truffle (Tuber uncinatum)

 The BIJOU project objectives are the following ones :

  1. Development of molecular tools to identify the origin of truffles, the stage of maturity, in correlation with the organoleptic qualities of Burgundy truffle.
  2. Development of evaluation and production improvement tools in truffle orchards.
  3. Study of the ecology of the Burgundy truffle in natural environments, and the influence of forest management on it.

The third component of the project is only developed in this factsheet.The objective is to better understand which natural environments favour...

Inter-tree competition patterns in un-debarked cork oak stands in Portugal

Young cork oak stand (at Machuqueira do Grou, Coruche, Portugal), with 19 years-old.

Assess inter-tree competition in permanent plots established in un-debarked, even-aged stands located in Portugal by i) comparing with the self-thinning line and ii) assessing when stand density affects cork production, iii) stand structure and iv) tree relative growth rate (RGR) pattern over tree size. Spacing coefficient (SC) values < 1.25 are assumed to affect cork production; therefore, detecting when stand density is approaching this value is important. Relative spacing (RS) is easier to evaluate, being important to find the RS value equivalent to a SC = 1.25.

How management systems affect soil quality of cork oak woodlands? A case study of south Portugal

Improved pasture

Evaluate and compare physical, chemical and biochemical soil properties, regarding soil organic matter accumulation and soil fertility development, in cork oak woodlands, located in south Portugal, managed with two different systems: 1) a 5-year old improved pasture grazed by cattle, and 2) a natural understorey with shrubs control every 4-6 years (rotary mower), ensuring cork oak seedling are protected by adjusting cutting height to a maximum distance to soil surface, and preventing sapling damage by postponing this operation in shrub patches were natural regeneration is identified.

Amycoforest : Developing mycosylviculture


The main purpose of the project is the development of sylviculture combining wood and fungal production. It also consists in developing, testing and popularizing technical itineraries that conciliate these two issues. In addition, there is the need to understand and analyze the mushroom value chain, and to determine the possible ways to organize collection and marketing of these products.