Intraspecific variability and genetic selection of cork oak in Tunisia

Cork oak plantation - Tunisia

In Tunisia, the cork oak is facing various difficulties namely: severe ecological conditions, very heterogeneous stands with variable density, and strong pressure on the forest. Reforestation has become an essential alternative to regenerate old cork oak forests and to support natural regeneration. Selecting adequate plant material with good genetic quality is important to ensure high adaptation to environmental hazards. In this context, the main objective is to explore and evaluate the genetic variability among different stands to select and conserve the best genetic material. 

Sustainable wild collection of bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.) in the Pyrenees as a conservation practice

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi fruit detail. Source: GPAM-CTFC

The aim of the experimental work was to study the aerial biomass production of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi present in the Pyrenees under different environmental conditions (altitude, slope and orientation, substrate, tree cover and population abundance) and to analyse the effects of the season in which it is collected (autumn or spring), the intensity (0%, 25%, 50% and 100% of the population) and the frequency of collection on the regeneration capacity of the species, in order to be able to propose some guidelines for a sustainable collection of bearberry in the Pyrenees.

Methodology to assess the situation of a medicinal and aromatic plant species to apply a sustainable management in a specific context

High density wild heather population (Calluna vulgaris) in Galicia (Spain). Source: GPAM-CTFC.

A large number of the medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) on the market come from wild collection and some of them are being overexploited or exploited without following proper practices. Establishing an adequate management could maintain the use of some species without compromising their conservation and obtain a benefit for the rural community.

In order to collect, it is necessary to evaluate the situation of that species in the place where it is going to be collected to estimate if it can be considered a “resource” or not, and to do it following an adequate methodology.

Good practice guide for sustainable harvesting of wild plants

The main objective of this guide and its booklets for each species is to provide the pickers with knowledge of specific aromatics and medicinal plants and to serve as support for their training to adopt respectful practices guaranteeing sustainable management of the natural resources.

Its construction is based on a collection of knowledge and practices of pickers, analyzed with a group of scientists with regard to sustainable resource management (threats and renewal challenges).

The objective is also to enhance the picking profession by disseminating its knowledge and know-...

Selection of pine species in Tunisia: Result of the comparative species trials of Souiniet and Djebel Abderrahmen Arboretums

Pinus halepensis

Faced with changes and in the absence of regeneration, the natural forest formations in the North of Tunisia are experiencing serious problems of degradation. The use of pines as alternative species would be a possible and advantageous solution, but the choice should be given in priority to fast-growing species, ecologically well adapted and economically profitable.

Impact of the production method on the gentian resource and its regeneration - The sustainable development approach of the Gentian sector

Large population of gentian on a meadow in the Massif Central (France).

The Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a wild plant harvested for its roots at the age of 20 to 30 years old. It is highly valued but little protected. A large part of the production is exported from the source in its raw state. The "Mission for the sustainable management of gentian resources in the Massif Central", a project promoted by the harvesters, helps the different members of the sector to organize themselves to work on good production practices and to ensure the sustainable use of the plant. This work is enhanced by a parallel project to create a "Sustainable Gentian"...

Is the plasticity in response to the drought of Quercus suber linked to the geographical origin?

Seedlings of provenances of Cork Oak

The selection of forest species and the study of their behavior variability relative to the main environmental conditions change remains a major challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the intraspecific variability responses of Quercus suber L. to drought conditions in order to determine the future sustainability of cork oak forest in Tunisia.

The selection of Eucalyptus with a melliferous vacation in humid and arid environments

Boxes to collect honey (Sejnene-Bizerte) & Eu.camaldulensis (Rimel-Bizerte)

This work aims to promote beekeeping activity in rural areas where eucalyptus can play a leading role as nectar species. This objective necessarily involves the identification of eucalyptus species of melliferous interest and the selection of the most successful species in terms of abundance of flowering, its duration, and its spreading throughout the year.

A practical guide to seed multiplication of Anthyllis barba-Jovis L.

Anthyllis barba-jovis from Tabarka region, North-West of Tunisia

Anthyllis barba-jovis is a rare evergreen shrub belonging to the family of Fabaceae and could be found in different habitats, especially along steep rocky cliffs. It is an endemic species originating from the west-central regions of the Mediterranean basin. It’s located in France, Italy, Croatia, Algeria, and Tunisia and grows on low altitudes of the Mediterranean littoral rocks. The main objective of this work is to control the seed propagation techniques of Anthyllis barba-Jovis L.

Arboretums in Tunisia: importance and interest

Trials of Eucalyptus species

The selection of forest species and the analysis of their behavior variability, considering the main environmental factors, remains a major concern for the forester in Tunisia. This work is prepared to answer the following question: for reforestation needs, which is the most suitable species to reach a sustainable and productive plantation? The answer can be provided in the elimination trials in the arboretum. The arboretums offer an ideal experimental support to know the requirements of the forest species and to make a selection in favor of the best adapted and the most efficient species...