Fifth Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Annual Conference Location: World Bank, Washington DC, USA Date: 27-29 November 2017
The Fifth Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Annual Conference will be hosted by the World Bank on the topic of sustainable infrastructure, to stimulate research...
EKLIPSE has launched 'An impact evaluation framework to support planning and evaluation of nature-based solutions projects' .
The report was prepared by the EKLIPSE Expert Working Group on Nature-based Solutions to Promote Climate Resilience in Urban Areas. The assessment framework will...
The OpenNESS workshop 'Ecosystem services and EU regulatory frameworks: Experiences from real-world decision-making' hosted in Brussels was a great opportunity for Oppla to share knowledge and to be involved in the latest thinking on nature-based solutions. Christoph Görg opened the workshop...
15 cutting edge publications building on the UK National Ecosystem Assessment have been brought togehter in a special edition of Ecosystem Services journal, ‘Shared, Plural and Cultural Values’, edited by Dr Jasper Kenter, Principal Investigator in Ecological Economics at the Scottish...
A phrase which encapsulates the Oppla community's jargon heavy interest areas including ecosystem services and natural capital is tough! But the emerging term nature-based solutions seems to tick the box. Abbreviated to NbS, it is a catch-all term which seems to effectively communicate...
Climate-KIC, the EU’s main climate innovation initiative, has launched the CSA Booster. It brings together an ecosystem of partners to identify, assess, demonstrate and implement CSA solutions at scale and aims to be the leading platform in promoting innovation and investment in CSA technologies...
There’s a great need in European projects on ecosystem services and nature-based solutions for sharing good practice, working examples and quantifiable evidence. With the concept of nature-based solutions gaining increasing attention from policy, practice and research there’s a...
The Blue-Green Factor (BGF) can now be implemented in an Android compatible App, downloadable from Playstore under “ BGF calculator ”. BGF Calculator lets you calculate the blue-green factor for a property using a method developed for Future Cities – Fremtidens Byer. The blue green factor is a...
Panorama documents and promotes examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. Panorama has several thematic chapters, including the protected areas portal, and showcases almost 250 solutions...