We use sophisticated modelling to identify, rank and prioritise Nature-based Solutions to multiple problems such as flooding, water resource supply, river pollution, soil loss, poor farm management and biodiversity loss. Our engaging communications show best bang for buck actions, with many informed options to aid participatory design.
Viridian solves problems such as through carefully targeted enhancement of the natural environment. We use sophisticated modelling to identify, rank and prioritise a range of such ‘Nature-based Solutions’. We create engaging communications showing what to do where to deliver best bang for buck, but also offering stakeholders a huge range of options to aid participatory design.
Our solutions work from street to regional scale and are perfect for policy development, project planning, funding applications, economic appraisals and integrating with traditional engineering.
Viridian models entire catchments to identify which habitats should be created and where to create then to most reduce local problems: a prioritisation of what to do where to give best bang for buck.
We concentrate first on natural flood management, diffuse pollution (soluble and adsorbed), erosion/siltation and groundwater recharge. We can then integrate these solutions with more standard ecosystem service modelling, such as carbon, habitat connectivity and recreation.
We can incorporate all sorts of restrictions and requirements into our models, such as ecological considerations; and can quantify the benefits of many services, including flooding.