This 10 minute massive open online course (MOOC) given by Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey from the Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems Group at ETH Zurich is part of a larger online course on Ecosystem Services, produced by the University of Geneva, the Geneva Water Hub, the Luc Hoffmann Institute and the Natural Capital Project. It addresses the challenges in integrating ecosystem services (ES) into decision-making and provides guidance for scientists on how to best prepare and present information to support decisions at different scales. Four of the major challenges in designing a decision-support platform which integrates ES information are discussed: 1) level of decisions-making, 2) scale matters, 3) dealing with uncertainties, and 4) stakeholder engagement. Finally, approaches and solutions to tackle these challenges are presented. The MOOC is useful for training, education, information and as a support to design decision-support platforms and participatory planning processes:

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