Solving complex problems with innovative solutions isn’t easy, and just like an explorer embarking on a new journey, one should depart prepared with the right equipment. The main purpose of this guide is to equip readers with basic process management skills and ultimately to become more confident in thinking about the means and ends of a project. Material included in this document has been adapted or developed in part by Osmos within the project and applied to the ten partner cities (Genk, Glasgow, Poznan, A Coruña, Burgas, Ioannina, Malaga, Nicosia, Pavlos Melas, Sarajevo) and with Nature-based Enterprises as part of a mentoring programme. The tools and methodology were developed or tested in part through the Connecting Nature Enterprise Mentoring Programme, running between 2021- 2022 and involving businesses in Brazil, the Caucasus (Armenia and Georgia) and across Europe.