First assessment of cork oak planting and natural regeneration trials in the PACA region

Cork oak plot in the Var department

For more than 20 years, plantation and natural regeneration trials have been set up by the CRPF PACA in the Maures massif with the collaboration of volunteer forest owners. The age of some of the trials now makes it possible to obtain transferable results, to guide the management of areas favourable to the cork oak, to allow continuity of monitoring and to develop the setting up of new trials in a context of climate change to be considered.

Prospecting wild populations of Rosmarinus officinalis in Spain

Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) wild population

The project objective was to identify chemically different Rosmarinus officinalis wild populations present in the Spanish geography in order to be able to choose those that present a higher essential oil concentration with an interesting chemical composition for the industry uses.

Identify these wild populations is the starting point for initiating any breeding program to obtain commercial varieties that can be put into large scale cultivation to satisfy quantity and quality industrial demand. 

Innovative initiatives in the forest sector applied to the resin sector

LiDAR image of a forest stand. (c) Rafael Alonso

The objective of this document is to highlight the importance of different initiatives, techniques and tools that have been presented by different organizations, both public and private, through the different transfer events that have taken place within the INCREDIBLE project. The aim is to provide a global vision of the different fields to explore in the resin sector.

Resin in Spanish National Forest Inventory, Statistics and Planning

The objective is to present the different initiatives that exist at the national level in Spain to characterize resin production and the potential of this resource. These initiatives, framed within the Spanish Forest Statistics defined in the Spanish Forest Law 43/2003, include both production statistics and characterization of the forest resources that either produce or could potentially produce resin.

Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) potential and development opportunities in Croatia

Natural habitat of summer truffle

Croatia is a world famous destination for its truffle collection in wild and the truffle sector is well developed. However, although Croatia is a small country, truffle production is in fact concentrated only in the Istrian region and has not been developed in the rest of the country. In other parts of the country, very few people are involved in collecting truffles (summer truffles) and this is actually more of a hobby for them than a source of income. Therefore, it was important to conduct a survey to determine where summer truffle could be found and in what quantities, and the results...

Plants subject to commercial picking on French metropolitan territory: commented list

Allium ursinum

• Establish, by compilation of data obtained from collectors and producers, a list of plant species picked for artisanal or industrial production chains,

• Referencing these species according to their validated scientific name,

• Provide some indicators of the risks that could weigh on these species.

Design and implementation of a new productive model around the chestnut tree as a rural development model in El Bierzo (Castile and Leon)

Professional chestnut pruning

The main objective was the structuring of the sectorial productive system in one of the main chestnut growing regions in Spain, El Bierzo (Castilla y León).  As secondary objectives: Improvement of the phytosanitary status of the chestnut groves. Quantitative and qualitative increase of the production, productivity and profitability. Creation of employment. Normalization of the productive activity. Creation of wealth and equitable distribution. Corporate social responsibility.

Mapping the potential for truffle production in a natural environment. Development of a method suited to the private forests of the Mont Ventoux (France)

The aim is to map the potentiality of the black truffle production based on the current scientific knowledge already available. To do this, a truffle potential level is assigned to each point of the territory covered with forests. This must eventually allow managers to determine the level of investment in rehabilitating formerly truffle land based on expected potential production.