Cooperatively design and manufacture tools for small-scale agricultural production

Lab works

Tzoumakers is an open lab for communities to cooperatively design and manufacture tools for small-scale agricultural production. Our vision is to create such sites in both villages and cities where citizens may seize technology into their own hands. These sites may be supported by municipalities and/or by multi-stakeholder cooperatives.

GOSUBER innovation project for the mechanization of cork debarking

Prototype for debarking mechanization

The objective is to present GOSUBER, the supra-autonomous operational group of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in the area of Agricultural productivity and Sustainability, which aims to modernize debarking to make it more productive and improve occupational health and safety conditions. The group comprises 13 partners, including private companies, associations, research centres, universities and foundations.

The sociological profile and social issues of the resin worker in Spain

Resin worker showing his work to investigators

The study advances in the socio-labour reality knowledge of the Spanish workers dedicated to the resin extraction, and in the group perception about aspects related to entrepreneurship and sectorial problems.

To this end, three key aspects are elucidated:

  • The definition of the typical resin workers profiles, and the socio-labour situations that characterise each one of them.
  • The study of the key factors for the incorporation and the abandonment of the resin activity.
  • The sounding of sectorial or professional aspects that the workers consider most
  • ...

Reduction of the difficulty of the resin tapper's work with the Biogemme© method.

Gemmage mécanisé

The attractiveness of the resin tapper's profession is a key point for the revival of natural resin extraction to be a success. The aim is to adapt the resin extraction method to reduce the difficulty of the resin tapper's work. In creating the Biogemme© method, Holiste has taken this aspect into account. This involves, in particular, the creation of an appropriate tool to mechanize the harvest.