Quantify the carbon sequestration of Aleppo Pine forests for developing and boosting forestry

Thinned Aleppo Pine forest

Quantify the carbon footprint of different Alepo Pine forestry scenarios (biomass and soil capture and wood products storage) in order to compare in terms of climate change mitigation.

Identify amongst the favourable forest management practices those that:

- Boost management,

- Are geared towards forest quality,

- Minimize risks,

- Ultimately allow Mediterranean forest management sector development participating the rise of the carbon market.

Quantifying carbon stocks in Pinus pinea stands: simple allometric models using easily measurable tree variables

Pinus pinea plantation in Central Portugal

Allometric models establish relationships between tree morphological parameters and the respective biomass in its various components, allowing to make forest carbon estimates. In this sense, this study aims to develop models for the stone pine (Pinus pinea) gathering biomass information from sampled trees in Portugal, Spain, and Italy. These models use simple-to-measure tree variables (diameter at breast height – d, and total height - h) and are suitable for obtaining carbon estimates of aboveground biomass and roots in stone pines across the Mediterranean region.