Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Reduction of the difficulty of the resin tapper's work with the Biogemme© method.

Gemmage mécanisé

The attractiveness of the resin tapper's profession is a key point for the revival of natural resin extraction to be a success. The aim is to adapt the resin extraction method to reduce the difficulty of the resin tapper's work. In creating the Biogemme© method, Holiste has taken this aspect into account. This involves, in particular, the creation of an appropriate tool to mechanize the harvest.

The sociological profile and social issues of the resin worker in Spain

Resin worker showing his work to investigators

The study advances in the socio-labour reality knowledge of the Spanish workers dedicated to the resin extraction, and in the group perception about aspects related to entrepreneurship and sectorial problems.

To this end, three key aspects are elucidated:

  • The definition of the typical resin workers profiles, and the socio-labour situations that characterise each one of them.
  • The study of the key factors for the incorporation and the abandonment of the resin activity.
  • The sounding of sectorial or professional aspects that the workers consider most
  • ...

The AFC : Structuring harvesting professionals to promote sustainable and respectful management

Cueilleurs d'Arnica montana

AFC is the French Association of professionals wild plants pickers. It was created in 2011 to bring together professionals of wild plants picking and to promote this profession.
It defends sustainable commercial harvesting and a responsible profession.
It wishes to ensure the representativeness of the pickers with other operators in the sectors and the public authorities.

Resin cooperativism and business diversification: ingredients for sustainable and quality forestry job

The resinous forest of Tabuyo del Monte, León, España.

Sometimes, the profitability of a natural resource use depends more on the business model and the entrepreneurial culture on which its exploitation is based, than on productivity factors or technological development associated with the use itself.

An innovative business success case, linked to the natural resin extraction activity, such as Pinaster Servicios Medioambientales, can serve as a reference for private entrepreneurs and public decision-makers and administrators to develop and support efficient business strategies that integrate the resin activity.