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CONEXUS (6.1) – Enhancing urban biodiversity through learning communities in the city of Buenos Aires

Breathe / Respirar Pilot - Photo credits: Veronica Fabio, 2020.

With a network of over 25 partners across public and non-government sectors, the Life-Lab establishes multidisciplinary communities of learning to investigate and co-design NbS in order to counter a palette of harmful effects of urbanisation in the MRBA. These include, among others, air pollution, environmental degradation, and habitat loss as well as diminishing natural stormwater treatment functions, soil permeability, and water retention capacities of urban ecosystems.

Via engaging actors with direct connections to local pilots, the Buenos Aires Life-Lab aims to drive faster...

SuDS in Sutton's Schools

SuDS in schools - planter day

The aim was to deliver sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) measures on school sites in order to reduce local flood risk, provide benefits for participating schools and educate the pupils and wider community about surface water flooding .