Urban Food Forest St. Urbanus
Submitted by romor001 on 12 February 2021A Food Forest is an artificial human designed forest that predominantly consists of edible plants and fruit-bearing bushes and trees.
A Food Forest is an artificial human designed forest that predominantly consists of edible plants and fruit-bearing bushes and trees.
The Project ‚Baumstarke Stadt‘ Leipzig aims to generate financial resources to allow tree planting and further to establish a long-term engagement of citizens with the urban green areas they live in. The project, therefore, aims to provide multiple ecosystem services, including regulating, supporting and cultural functions.
The Erasmus+ project „Nature-Based Innovations for Urban Forest and Rainwater Management” supports communities and local authorities in combating climate change through the identification of good practices and the dissemination of innovative solutions and manuals addressed to local authorities, stakeholders, and associations to improve policies and practices to counter climate change from an environmental, social, and economic point of view.
Water management: Retain water in the pondscape to prevent dry-out of ponds
Human health: A refreshing place to walk and relax, and to educate people about nature.
Biodiversity enhancement: Especially amphibians, insects, birds, and (semi)aquatic vegetation.