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H2020 AQUACROSS Case Study 8 - Ecosystem-based solutions to solve sectoral conflicts on the path to sustainable development in the Faial-Pico Channel, Azores

The Faial-Pico Channel, source: Hugh McDonald

Collaborating to halt declining biodiversity: Despite designation as a Marine Protected Area, biodiversity in the Faial-Pico Channel is falling. Our aim: to collaborate with local stakeholders and policy-makers and apply the AQUACROSS Assessment Framework to understand social and ecological aspects of the Channel, and identify actions to efficiently and equitably ensure the Channel’s long-run sustainability, balancing the objectives of commercial and recreational fishers, tourism operators, and other local stakeholders.

Integrated green grey infrastructure (IGGI) - Ecologically enhanced sea defence

Passive enhanced boulder with water retention feature uppermost.

Ecological enhancement of hard coastal structures. Project aimed to mitigate expected habitat losses associated with improving  coastal defences for both the natural substrate & pre-existing defences within Natural 2000 site, & minimise future habitat losses due to sea level rise & coastal squeeze.

H2020 AQUACROSS Case Study 4: Management and impact of Invasive Alien Species in Lough Erne in Ireland

Lough Erne (c) Tim O‘Higgins

The AQUACROSSCase Study examines the implications of the regulation on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) (i.e. non-native plants and animals harming the local ecosystem) for practical management in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, in the context of existing environmental commitments under EU legislation.