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Bois de Vincennes (Vincennes Forest) - Paris, France

Bois de Vincennes (Vincennes Forest) - Paris, France
  • Pollution mitigation (carbon sequestration; microclimate regulation, solution against urban heat island effects),
  • Biodiversity enrichment (preservation and enhancement of fauna and flora habitats),
  • Leisure and cultural purposes (recreational value, aesthetic pleasure; sense of place, inspiration) and encouraging citizen’s engagement with local green initiatives

Green Wedges - Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China


The three green wedges around the City of Jiaxing aim to regulate urban climate and to provide space for recreation by enhancing the structure and socioecological multi-functionality of the green infrastructure in the city. 

Trees as nature-based solutions are promoted for co-development and co-design to alleviate problems of heat, air pollution and noise in the city in a participatory way.

Biophysical analysis of public trees in Padova: biodiversity and ecosystem services

Biophysical analysis of public trees in Padova: biodiversity and ecosystem services

Padova is a city of around 210,000 in the north-eastern part of Italy. It is the third largest provincial capital of the Veneto region, and the most densely populated (average density 2300 inhabitants/km2). The city is located 20 km west from the Venetian lagoon at the extreme north-eastern border of the Po plain. The morphology of the territory and its key position at the crossroads of the routes that connect Venice to Milan and to Bologna has fostered the development of the city.

Soil sealing is among the main issues in Padova, where 49.3% of the municipal territory is urbanized:...More

Parco Nord Milano – Italy

  • Provision of recreation and educational facilities for local residents and visitors;
  • Health and wellbeing benefits gained through the use of the recreation facilities;
  • Landscape benefit of creating a functional green boundary between built-up areas which acts as a wooded regional park